Now even amateurs can create professional animations!

Johny Darkwah
03 min read

There’s been lots of affordable motion capture solutions hitting the market over the last few years. They have enabled independent animators to start creating their very own 3D animation at a very small fraction of the cost of an optical motion capture studio. But if you’ve tried to use these products, you’ve probably encountered some frustrating issues with the resulting animations.

But if you’ve used them, you’ve probably noticed a significant drop in quality of the final animations when compared to those created by big-budget motion capture studios.

You’ve almost certainly experienced that your animations tend to glitch, shake, or move unnaturally. This can be due to a variety of issues, depending on whether you’re using full body suits or markerless solutions like But whatever you’re using, the result is the same: animation quality that you’re not happy with.

And the worst part is that there’s currently no easy-to-use tools to clean up these very common errors. Until now.

Kapnetix makes the post-production process of polishing up your very own 3D animations quick, easy, and extremely affordable. Even for amateur animators who don’t have the time or practice to meticulously fix all of these errors in post-production. In just minutes, you can replicate the results that take professional animators hours or days to produce. No more jiggling. No more gliding. No more spending forever trying to match your animation onto the right skeleton.

See for yourself.

Kapnetix doesn’t skip leg day

Skeleton 1 demonstrates the type of output you’re used to seeing when creating your very own animations. Jerky, jittery movement that you mostly just had to settle with. But you can now fix it in minutes by running it through our custom-built machine learning model.

Skeleton 2 is the result of the first pass through our model, fixing the major problems and coming close to the quality of professional animation.

Skeleton 3 shows the result of running that same animation again through our more fine-tuned model, which repairs the little details that most people wouldn’t even notice. But we notice. And Kapnetix removes them completely. 

Skeleton 4 is not created using Kapnetix. It is the result of a highly paid professional animator spending many hours meticulously editing out all the small glitches and errors.

So skeleton 3 in minutes with no expensive software or editing skills required, or skelton 4 in hours done by an expensive professional animator? We think the answer is pretty clear. ☺

The AI revolution is all about evening the playing field and letting the little guy match the output of the expensive professionals. We love enabling creative independent artists to express themselves clearly and confidently through animations that they are proud to show off.

So whether you’re running your own YouTube channel, creating your own animated movie, or building the next hit indie game, we want you to be able to express yourself fully with clean and clear animations.

We can’t wait to see what you build!

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Johny Darkwah
03 min read

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